Sustainability — Guia
Los mejores patines eléctricos baratos - Guía para elegir el mejor para ti
¿Estás pensando en comprar tu primer patinete eléctrico? en esta guía descubrirás las mejores opciones de patinetes eléctricos baratos.
Bongo Serie A Connected Advanced Review - Move over, little brother.
Bongo Serie A Connected Advanced - Review Last Christmas, we introduced to our one of favorite scooters available on rhyde, the Bongo Serie A Connected. We call it the price-quality king, amazing specs at a price that's hard to ignore. Spoiler alert, you loved it. They're one of our best-selling scooters to date. If you’d like to read our review on it, continue your reading here. The Bongo Serie A Connected Advanced (let's just call it the Advanced, from here on out) is everything that we love about its little brother, but with just a bit more muscle. Sound good...