Bongo Serie A Connected Advanced - Review
Last Christmas, we introduced to our one of favorite scooters available on rhyde, the Bongo Serie A Connected. We call it the price-quality king, amazing specs at a price that's hard to ignore. Spoiler alert, you loved it. They're one of our best-selling scooters to date. If you’d like to read our review on it, continue your reading here.
The Bongo Serie A Connected Advanced (let's just call it the Advanced, from here on out) is everything that we love about its little brother, but with just a bit more muscle. Sound good to you? Us too. Let's run you through the features.
1. Connect
Connect via Bluetooth from your smartphone and download the free app to connect with to the Advanced, it’ll give you access to vehicle information and the ability to make different adjustments to personalize your ride.
2. Climb
Hills? What hills? With a beefy maximum power output of 700W, it is capable of climbing steep slopes unlike any other scooter in it's price range. It also has a nominal power of 350W.
3. Range Plus, Plus
The Bongo Series A Connected packs a respectable 25km range. The Advanced? An extra 10km! This Bongo also shares the same intuitive swappable battery system as its little brother, so 35km can easily be 70km with a quick swap. Soon you'll be going cross-country.
4. Choose
You have three driving modes that you can choose especially at the beginning to adapt to driving the Advanced.
Eco mode; it's a smooth ride, where the battery lasts longer.
Comfort mode; with a medium and constant speed, so you can save battery but at a higher speed
Sport mode; with maximum power reaching maximum speed
If you want to optimize the battery of your electric scooter to the maximum, choose the Cruising Speed, so you can advance as much as possible with the same battery.
5. Speed
The Advanced also will take you 25km/h to wherever you need to go. You’re going to want a helmet, we can help with that too.
6. Safety
You will be informed at all times thanks to its on-board computer, with an LED screen that informs you of the speed and range you have left, as well as if there is a possible failure in the engine. Also, thanks to its Wi-Fi connection, you will also be able to find out through the app. Take care of your safety, it has a triple braking system, so that driving safety increases, with disc brake, electric and the rear manual. It is safe to go out at night, thanks to its LED lights, both front and rear and the brake light. It also has a bell to communicate if necessary, both with pedestrians and with other drivers.
7. Easy
For greater comfort, the Advanced is completely foldable and also with a very fast and simple mechanism. When we say completely foldable, it is because even the grips of the scooter fold to reduce surface area as much as possible.
So everything we loved about the Connected, with more range.
Did we mention it comes with slick red accents?
Very difficult to resist, and priced only at €329, freshly refurbished - we wouldn’t wait too long before they sell out.