Buying and Selling with Us
rhyde is the most sustainable micro-mobility solution - and it’s unique circular platform is easy to take part in.
Our core functions are buying and selling, pick how we can help you today!
You’ve done this before.
Browse our catalogue, pick a rhyde (and a helmet!) you like, customize it, and we’ll ship it to you with a 14-day return policy and our 6-month rhyde warranty.
Oh, yes, and follow us on instagram at @rhyde.co for offers. We’ll make it worth your while.
Do you (or someone you know) have an electric scooter in need of a new home?
Fill out our form on our ‘sell’ page to get a free quote on your scooter’s value.
Happy with the price? We’ll shake hands on it (online, of course), and send you shipment details. Once we receive the scooter, we’ll evaluate it. When everything is in order, we’ll transfer you the funds or rhyde credit within 10 business days.
It’s easy-peasy. Have any more questions? contact us directly through our live chat or by email at info@rhyde.co.